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Path Nine (9)

Path Nine (9) starts by the kindergarten just outside the settlement of Mesagros, on the way to Aphaia. At the beginning it heads north for 200 meters, and then it turns east, making a wide, short Greek letter pi (like three sides of a rectangle), returning to the public road about 500 meters east of its starting point. From there, it moves south and then east into the pine forest to reach the temple of Aphaia (an easy 2.5 kilometer walk, about 55 minutes). This is the point where the path has re-emerged on the public road of Mesagros, and it starts to climb into the pine forest, with the final destination of the temple of Aphaia. This point is 1,300 meters (about 30 minutes) from Aphaia (with an altitude difference of 120 meters).


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Altitude (in meters) : 63
Distance : 2500 meters
Duration of Visit : 55 minutes
Difficulty : EasyEasy
Style : ScenicScenic
Nice endNice end


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