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Religious SiteChurchReligious Site // Church


One of the oldest churches in Santorini is Christoulaki (Transfiguration of the Savior, or Metamorphosi tu Sotiros in Greek). Carved into the rock, it got its name—a diminutive form of “Christ”--due to its very small size (2.7 x 2.8 x 2.0 meters). In 1716 it was bought by the abbot and founder of the Prophet Elias Monastery, Gabriel Belonias. It is well hidden, west of the archaeological site of Ancient Thera and across from the monastery of the Prophet Elias, and we can only get to it with permission from the custodian of the area. In front of the church there is a plateau and then a steep cliff, so caution is needed (especially when strong winds blow). Take care on the steps carved into the stone that will take us to the point where we leave the archaeological site to descend to the little church.


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Altitude (in meters) : 349
Chronological Period : Byzantine Period
Access : RoadRoad
Accessible : ModerateModerate
Duration of Visit : 2 hours


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