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Beginning of Path Two (2)

Path two (2) starts at the northern limits of the settlement of Sfentouri and heads straight north to the Ancient Olive Grove (Archaios Elaionas, 3 kilometers, approximately 75 minutes). On the way, we will pass the little churches of Saint Nicholas (Agios Nikolaos) and Saint (Agios) Dimitrios, and we will find the impressive ‘Achlada’ watering hole. From the watering hole, a 300 meter uphill detour to the south will take us to the famous 'Drakospita.' This is the starting point of Path Two (2) in the settlement of Sfentouri.


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Altitude (in meters) : 223
Distance : 3 km
Duration of Visit : 1 hour 15 minutes
Difficulty : EasyEasy
Style : ScenicScenic
Nice endNice end


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