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Religious SiteChurchReligious Site // Church

Saint Paraskevi

A path begins by the free parking area at the northeastern border of Dryopida, in the Galatas district. After an 8-minute walk, this path ends across from the little church of Saint (Agia) Paraskevi. On our way to the church, we will pass a traditional stone well. We will need to open and close two gates (which enclose goats) and ascend a hill to reach the church. There we will have a beautiful panoramic view of the settlement of Dryopida across from us, with the imposing cathedral of Saint Anne (Agia Anna) in the center. At the point with the very nice view, we will also see a traditional stone threshing floor.


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Altitude (in meters) : 206
Access : PathPath
Accessible : ModerateModerate
Duration of Visit : 40 minutes



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