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An exploration of the least known and wildest part of the island (the western part) starts after Flampouria, on the way to the area of ​​Kastela. We pass the intersection with the road to Flampouria (4.6 kilometers from Merichas) and continue for another 3 kilometers, passing roads by a spring and to Kastela. 500 meters after the spring and 1 kilometer after the road to Kastela, we will see another dirt road heading to the right. If we go west on that road for about 3 kilometers, we end up on a peninsula. To our right, at the edge of Trivlaka Bay, we can see two beaches north of us, the first inaccessible and the second surrounded by private houses. On the left, however, there is the very beautiful sandy beach of Divlaka, which is accessible by dirt road and a few meter walk to the beach.


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Altitude (in meters) : 35
Type of Place : SecludedSecluded
Depth : NormalNormal
Type of Seabed : PebblePebble
Type of Beach : SandSand
Suitable for : CouplesCouples
Young peopleYoung people
Access : PathPath
Accessible : DifficultDifficult



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