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An exploration of the least known and wildest part of the island (the western part) starts after Flampouria, on the way to the area of ​​Kastela. If we pass the turnoff for Flampouria (4.6 kilometers from Merichas) and continue for another two kilometers, we will see a cement road heading off to the right. We continue for another 400 meters, then see that the road divides in a fork. The branch on the right is blocked with stones, so we head left. As in the descent to Stifo beach, these roads on the southwestern side of the island are paved but with many problems, as well as being very narrow and winding. However, they form a fairly dense road network. We need to be careful as we drive here. We continue carefully for about 2 kilometers, moving to the northwest (toward Flampouria). Before the bay of Flampouria, we turn left. We proceed for another kilometer and see (from above) two deserted sandy beaches (which are not easily accessible). The smaller one on the right is Kastelli and the


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Altitude (in meters) : 105
Type of Place : SecludedSecluded
Depth : ShallowShallow
Type of Seabed : SandSand
Type of Beach : SandSand
Small pebblesSmall pebbles
Access : PathPath
Accessible : DifficultDifficult



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