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One of the most beautiful beaches on Agathonisi, and half of the island’s best pair, when combined with Gaidouravlakos Beach on the other side of the hill. Spilia ('Cave') Beach is easily accessible from the port of Agios Georgios, follow the coastal road southwest 500 meters to the beach. The route is ideal for walks any time of day, and at night it is illuminated by solar-powered lamps. The beach is lovely with sand, small pebbles, and natural shade, its water is even more beautiful, green and blue like a large swimming pool. At its southwestern end, there is a cave in the rock that gave the beach its name. A few meters to the right of the cave, we can find the path to Gaidouravlakos Beach.


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Altitude (in meters) : 4
Type of Place : ScenicScenic
Depth : ShallowShallow
Type of Seabed : SandSand
Type of Beach : SandSand
Small pebblesSmall pebbles
Organized : No
Suitable for : CouplesCouples
Access : RoadRoad
Accessible : NormallyNormally



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